Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Danielle Sullivan Is Running a Scam, Don't be her next victim!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you are considering taking wefting or wig making classes offered by or which are run by Danielle Sullivan of Maryland, please read these blogs first before you fall a victim of these Scam. Danielle Sullivan claims she is a wig master and if asked for any credentials, she has none to show, no certificate or any education behind it, all she does is rip people of their hard earned money by claiming that she will teach them how to make wefts and wigs, which she knows nothing about. 

About the Blog 
-These blog is my story and a detailed account of the terrible ordeal I had   with Danielle Sullivan and her Shady Business. Am not doing these out of Malice, but am  doing to expose these Scam and hope no one else will fall victim of it. I just wish I would have paid more attention to the You-tube Video's and the warnings given by others before I became a victim.
-It all starts with the a simple post I posted on looking to buy a weft machine from china and ends with a BBB(Better Business Bureau) Claim I filed against Danielle Sullivan(, which she failed to comply with the investigation and her business failed to be accredited by the Better Business Bureau, which goes far to proof what kind of Business she is running.
Please visit the Link Below to see the details of the Case.